Harold and I make/do everything sold on this website. We appreciate your patience while we make and process your orders.

Having problems completing your purchase? Please click to Contact Carmen.

***Gift Certificates available on home page…

Click here and scroll down .***

International Purchases NEED to PAY for SHIPPING.

Click to Fill Out the “Interested in International Shipping Form” and Carmen will email you an invoice for what you want to buy + the shipping. Purchase price minus PayPal fees will be refunded to you if your order has a non-U.S. shipping address and you don’t pay the international shipping fee.


If you would like to own one of the few remaining pieces of Carol Croft’s orgonite (that she really made), Jenny has them for sale on CroftZappers.com


***I sell ONLY BRAND NEW Basic, Terminator, and T-Rex Zappers.***

Terminator Zapper & T-Rx© (T-Rex) Zapper

Terminator -circle copper disks - $161.00 USD T-Rex - pentagon copper disks - $224.00 USD

The Terminator Zapper is also known as: Terminator II Zapper, Terminator 2 Zapper, Don Croft Terminator Zapper, Croft Zapper, Don and Carol Croft Zapper.

All people can suffer from harmful parasites of one type or another during their lifetimes. (In a couple of the lectures Harold attended, Bob Beck said that on average every person has about 2 pounds of parasites in their bloodstream alone. So you can only imagine how many parasites, that don’t belong, we have everywhere else.) Parasites are positively charged. Unhealthy tissue is also positively charged. The introduction of weak electric current via the Zapper, (Don and Carol wanted the Schumann Resonance X 2, so the zappers pulse at a little more than 15Hz.) can destroy parasites by reversing their polarity. Negative ions are added to encourage diseased tissue to heal — healthy tissue is negatively charged. Parasites cannot defend their positive polarity (shortage of electrons) against the introduction of simple direct current and they die very quickly. Negative ions will repel parasites whether electric current, magnets, or orgone generates the ions. Parasites could not only die when subjected to electricity, but also disintegrate and could easily be assimilated as harmless nutrients or eliminated.

All zappers possibly destroy the entire range of bacteria, viruses, fungi and worms in the body by vitalizing their environment: blood, lymphatic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, sweat, mucus, intestinal contents and even inside the eyeball.

**The Terminator©, T-Rx©, and Basic Zappers are a harmless research device and you are a de facto researcher. Please remember that zappers of any kind are NOT APPROVED for use by any US Federal authority. Their use is to be considered experimental.**

DIRECTIONS: How do you use the zapper?

The most important thing to know is that the copper discs need to touch your skin. You don’t put anything in between you and the zapper (no cloth, towels, wet anything on purpose, etc.). When you’re first starting off using a zapper (2 hours a day), you can just hold it in your hand while watching t.v., reading a book, or walking, etc.

Basic Protocol: Start off using the zapper slowly 2-4 hours a day/night. Drink more water than you usually drink. If your body feels okay (You don’t want to start feeling sick. That means your body isn’t getting rid of all the toxins that it needs to.) then slowly increase using the zapper until you can use it for 8 hours with no difficulties. Once you can use it 8 hours a day/night, then use it every day/night for 30 days in a row to kill the first big batch of parasites that don’t belong in your body. If you start feeling unwell, then use it less time and drink more water, until your body adjusts, then start the 30 days in a row/ 8 hours each again.

Don and Carol Croft suggested that nighttime is the easiest time to use the zapper, especially when your body is ready to use the zapper for a full 8 hours per day/night. You can leave a sock on at night and place the zapper on the bottom of your foot with the discs touching the skin. When you need to get up at night, just move the zapper to the top of your foot. For use during the day, you can also get one of those taller athletic socks that’s loose enough to put the zapper on the side of your leg above the ankle are so it’s comfortable while you move, and it doesn’t want to fall off. If the zapper starts ‘zapping’ you, just move it a little bit. Once it’s annoyed you on one leg, just move it to the other leg. Don’t let the zapper stay in one place if it’s not comfortable.

The bottom of your feet and the palms of your hands have the hardest skin, so the zapper should not ‘zap’ you there if you’re sweating or if your body is more acidic that day. Anywhere else on your body is more and more sensitive, so if it tingles or ‘zaps’ you, move it around.

A customer found a Velcro Velour Cinch Strap made by Envisioned that you can choose in different widths and lengths. You could try the 2” wide ones, maybe the velour option to be more breathable… Keep in mind to not tighten it too much. If your foot/leg/arm/hand starts going numb or getting purple or anything out of the ordinary, loosen the strap. Don and Carol didn’t suggest using straps or wrist bands because they didn’t want the zapper to be so tight that you’d have circulation problems. Here is a link to the Envisioned Velcro Straps company… (Use at your own risk… and Use your common sense…). We have not used any straps ourselves.

CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT THE ZAPPER AS WRITTEN BY DON CROFT, how to get your zapper repaired instructions, for basic zapper directions AND very In-Depth Instructions, written by Don Croft, (and also some links to YouTube videos) on using a zapper .


If you would like to own one of the few remaining pieces of Carol Croft’s orgonite (that she really made) or her crystals, Jenny has them for sale on CroftZappers.com


NOTE: All Terminator and T-Rex Zappers now include Shungite for extra EMF protection!

The Basic, Terminator, and T-Rex Zappers work with a 9Volt battery.

The Croft Terminator and T-Rex Zappers

How is the T-REX Zapper different than the Terminator Zapper?

Carol developed a gem/coil configuration for the Terminator that has proven to make the device even more effective for healing and for increasing awareness. The effects are achieved with 17 specific gems placed on a double helix coil, all of which is visible in the orgonite component. Also, the metal she’s using in the T-Rex orgonite is different than in the Terminator. She’s also added an extra strong magnet in the T-Rex. The T-Rex also brings in Dolphin energy (Dolphins heal themselves and help heal those around them, strengthen communication, bring a playful, joyous energy which is essential to healing, etc. They remind us to Breathe and ‘Be’ yourself, to trust our intuition, and so much more… ).

She’s calling this modified Terminator, ‘T-Rx©’ . The T-Rex will work best if you have already been using a Terminator Zapper. Otherwise, our field research has shown that people who have not been prepared to assimilate this new energy may experience discomfort from using the T-Rex. The T-Rx is particularly challenging to people who have a lot of personal resistance to energy and information, and we want our customers to only be pleased with our products, so please consider ordering a Terminator zapper first.

NOTE: All of the zappers are brand-new but sometimes the cases have small scratch marks on them from the assembly process, including the installation of the copper blanks, the zapper circuit, the crystals, etc. The copper blanks used may have scratches or some discoloration - this is NORMAL and nothing to worry about. The orgonite inside might not look perfect, but it is perfectly functioning orgonite. The zapper works without problems. Printed instructions for the Terminator and T-Rex Zappers are included with your order.

**The Terminator©, T-Rx©, and Basic Zappers are a harmless research device and you are a de facto researcher. Please remember that zappers of any kind are NOT APPROVED for use by any US Federal authority. Their use is to be considered experimental.**

Quick Videos on How to Remove the Battery from the Zappers and How to Clean the Copper Discs


All Zappers come with the original Don Croft instructions and a Basic Protocol to use.

(Read Store Policies at the bottom of every page.)

Terminator Zapper (USA 50 states price)
T-Rex Zapper (USA 50 states price)

Price INCLUDES Free SHIPPING in the 50 United States.

International Purchases NEED to PAY for SHIPPING. Click to Fill Out the “Interested in International Shipping Form” and Carmen will email you an invoice for what you want to buy + the shipping. Purchase price minus PayPal fees will be refunded to you if your order has a non-U.S. shipping address and you don’t pay the international shipping fee.

If you have any problems completing your purchase, please Contact Carmen.


The Upgraded Croft BASIC Zapper

(We are no longer selling the Purple Basic Zappers on this website.)

The Upgraded ‘Not So Basic’ Turquoise Basic Zapper is exclusive to us, and is made by Carmen (and Harold when Carmen’s not fast enough). Carmen couldn’t help herself and had to add a piece of orgonite inside the Turquoise Basic Zapper. The orgonite is made with quartz point, amazonite, shungite, copper, and aluminum. As a ‘Gift’ to our customers we’re selling this zapper almost at our cost to make it. And the best part is that ALL the Croft Zappers are now made by us: Jenny, Harold, and Carmen.

The Basic Zapper uses the exact same zapper-circuitry as the Croft Terminator Zapper, pulsing at a little over 15Hz (Don and Carol wanted to go for Earth’s frequency x 2 originally). It produces a positive-offset wave form. It has a Turquoise Aqua Case color (I always think of that blue turquoise color in pictures of beautiful islands as the color of life, since we all need good water to survive.). You can see the size difference next to the Terminator and T-Rex Zappers. The cases open and close securely and all the circuitry, etc. are the exact ones purchased for the Terminator and T-Rex Zappers.

It doesn't have all the subtle-energy upgrades as the Terminator and T-Rex Zappers do, but it’s a great tool for killing parasites, and the added orgonite helps you feel better, too. Don and Carol called the Basic Zapper ‘the VW Bug version’ of zappers… It does its job, but you feel the zap/thumping more than with the other Croft Zappers. It is a good starter zapper if you’re not sure you want to invest in a Terminator Zapper or T-Rex. “Because the Basic Zapper doesn’t have all the energetic upgrades of the Terminator and T-Rex Zappers I feel the ‘thump'/the current much stronger than with the Terminator and T-Rex Zappers. You can definitely tell it’s on… hehehe…,” Carmen says.

Both the Basic and the Terminator and T-Rex Zappers may kill parasites such as worms, virus, bacteria and fungi. The Terminator & T-Rex may help on higher levels as well, such as emotional and spiritual. Don Croft said the Terminator and T-Rex might continue to heal the body after the parasites die-off. Knowing that the main work of zapping is parasite cleansing, the Basic Zapper is a very effective.

The Basic Zappers are smaller than the Terminator & T-Rex and very easy to use. Just like with the other Croft Zappers you can slip it into a sock on the sole of your foot, hold it in the palm of your hand with the copper discs touching your skin, on the side of your leg, in your waistband, etc. Move it as soon as you start feeling it ‘zap’ you.

**The Terminator©, T-Rx©, and Basic Zappers are a harmless research device and you are a de facto researcher. Please remember that zappers of any kind are NOT APPROVED for use by any US Federal authority. Their use is to be considered experimental.**

NOTE: All of the zappers sold on this site are brand-new. Sometimes the cases have small scratch marks on them from the assembly process, including the installation of the copper blanks, the zapper circuit, the crystals, etc. The copper blanks used may have scratches or some discoloration - this is NORMAL and nothing to worry about. The orgonite inside might not look perfect, but it is perfectly functioning orgonite. The zapper works without problems.

Printed instructions for the Basic Zapper are included with your order.

For Basic Zapper Directions Click Here.

Quick Video on How to Remove the Battery from the Zappers

Basic Zapper Turquoise (USA 50 states price)

Price includes free shipping in the 50 united states

International Purchases NEED to PAY for SHIPPING. Click to Fill Out the “Interested in International Shipping Form” and Carmen will email you an invoice for what you want to buy + the shipping. Purchase price minus PayPal fees will be refunded to you if your order has a non-U.S. shipping address and you don’t pay the international shipping fee.

Having problems completing your purchase? Please Contact Carmen.


These are examples of what the Succor Punch looks like. Once you pay for your order, Carmen will intuit which quartz point (single point or double points) wants to be yours and she’ll make your Succor Punch ‘Just for You’ (or whoever you buy it for). The quartz point chooses you.

Keep in mind that these are natural quartz points that have not been polished at all. And sometimes they have small chips on edges because that’s how they came.

The Succor Punch

The definition of Succor is: noun: assistance and support in times of hardship and distress verb: give assistance or aid to

The Succor Punch does just that. It helps assist you on a spiritual level to achieve what you want easier. You can use it to help amplify your intentions out in the Universe, and also to cloak yourself from evil intent. I love having my Succor Punch turned on because I feel like I’m in a bubble of cotton where everything feels soft, calm, all possibilities are available to me. I can focus my intention on a physical aspect that’s going on, or on some emotional thing I’m going through, and it helps me figure out the problem quicker on a spiritual level. The Succor Punch also helps cloak you, especially if you’re an orgonite ‘Gifter’ like my husband and I are. It’s like you’re in a Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak and nobody sees you, but you can get your stuff done. We have a very interesting story about the Succor Punch totally saving our butts on a big gifting trip.

The Succor Punch is a quartz crystal point (or points) that is wrapped with a special Mobius coil that is pulsed with the same 15+ Hertz signal as is used in all the Croft Zappers. Just like with the Basic Zapper, I added a piece of orgonite because ‘Why not?!” It’s powered by a nine-volt battery, and fits in your pocket. Don Croft and his friend Andy said that the Mobius coil converts the 15 Hz pulse into an unorganized, chaotic scalar wave, which we can use to imprint our intentions. The scalar wave created by the Succor Punch is extra-dimensional in scope, in other words, it sends your intentions everywhere in the Universe at once. The quantum effects observed with the Succor Punch is difficult to explain with our 3D science. You basically have to experience to ‘get’ it… and even then it works in such a cool way that I have a hard time grasping it.

Directions: What I do is turn it on, hold it in my hand close to my heart chakra and state my intention in a positive way (not using no, not, never, etc.) as if it’s already happening right now, not in the future because the future never comes. (example: My knee injury is better every minute of every day. I can walk with ease. My heartache is looser and I see what I need to do easily and clearly.) I also use it to meditate. I just turn it on and think of the next thing I need to work on in the spiritual realm and it helps me get there and keeps me safe. If you go on orgonite ‘gifting’ trips to cell towers, we believe this is a must have tool for you.

Your imagination is the most powerful tool you own. This device focuses and directs that energy. If you can think it you can make it better, and the Succor Punch helps you do it.

Carmen will start on your Succor Punch as soon as possible. It might take up to 2 weeks to make and ship your Succor Punch.

Succor PUnch $143.00usd


Price includes free shipping in the 50 united states

International Purchases NEED to PAY for SHIPPING. Click to Fill Out the “Interested in International Shipping Form” and Carmen will email you an invoice for what you want to buy + the shipping. Purchase price minus PayPal fees will be refunded to you if your order has a non-U.S. shipping address and you don’t pay the international shipping fee.

Having problems completing your purchase? Please Contact Carmen.

These crystals are waiting for their person. Just like people, some of them are not so perfect on the outside, but they will give you their all on the inside. (see 2nd picture) Since I ask which crystal wants to be in your Succor Punch to help you, I let the crystal choose the person who’ll receive the Succor Punch. If you really want a crystal with as perfect a point as possible (and not necessarily the crystal that really wants to be yours) please email/text Carmen after you purchase and she will ask the question to the crystals differently. Again, the crystals I buy are like people, not all of them look perfect on the outside.




To Purchase Our ‘Basic’ Most Needed Orgonite products: Field Orgonite/Tower Busters, Earth Pipes, Cloud Busters, Mini CBs, basic pendants, cell phone dots, charms/keychains, WiFi holder Plates, Water Charging Coasters, etc. click here.

To purchase OUR ‘Pretty’ Orgonite products: Decorative Tower Busters, pyramids, Mini 108 Patterns, etc. Click Here

For one of Carmen’s Intuited Orgonite Pendants (literally one-of-a-kind) CLICK HERE


The life-enhancing qualities of orgone energy tend to make one think of ki or chi that martial artists talk about. Orgone does have many qualities similar to ki. Eastern Medicine has long believed that diseases can be caused by a lack or blockage of ki in the body. Enabling the ki to flow correctly allows the body to heal itself. Wilhelm Reich wrote on breaking down barriers in the body using orgone in order to create a healing response. His cancer patients did not take medicine or have the tumors removed, they were treated with doses of orgone energy higher than normal, which then allowed the body to heal itself. From these similarities, it can be surmised that orgone energy is the same as ki life-energy.

Similar to ki, Reich found that there is both positive orgone (POR) and negative, or deadly orgone (DOR). DOR has a higher vibrational state than POR, one that is over-excited. It can cause a person to feel anxious and possibly get sick if exposed too long. There is also a vibrational state of orgone that is lower than POR, which is called oranur due to its inert state. Oranur is more rare, but can also be detrimental to one's health. Anything electrical produces DOR to a varying degree. High powered microwave transmitters and nuclear reactors are some of the biggest DOR producing creations.


We cannot promise that any of these resources will work for you. They helped us, so maybe they’ll help you also.

Through the years I have used many products to help me be balanced, healthy, and happy.  Maybe they can help you also.


The following are products that I love and use.

 wonder what they're all about?  go to their websites and enjoy.  They've made a difference in my life.

We don’t make any money from advertising these products. We just love them and want to share.


Akaija and Chram

The Akaija is jewel and a healing tool. She’s also a harmonizer of energy fields. It’s design is related to a cosmic design that’s installed around the Earth, anchored in many ancient megalithic sites.But above else she represents an important message from the unseen world surrounding us all…

— Wim Roskam

We absolutely love our Akaijas.. all of the different ones…. They are amazing tools, not just beautiful jewelry. And the story behind the Akaija is amazing.

To read more about the Akaija jewels and tools from Wim, visit the Akaija Shop for all international orders (Wim is in the Netherlands and can ship throughout the world).

Visit the AkaijaUSA Shop, if you live in the United States, to purchase some of these wonderful jewels and tools and have them arrive quicker.


Crystal Rainbow Suncatchers

My friend Jerry made me some gorgeous Sun Catchers with Swarovski crystals . I love to see the rainbows dance through my kitchen window.

For beautiful products made with all kinds of gems and crystals visit https://www.dancingsuncatchers.com/

Rocks and crystals make me happy. They talk to me. Each has a specific frequency and they help you deal with life’s difficulties. I love finding the right combination to help clients and customers.
I can always find great things in Alesia’s online shop.
— Carmen says


Tree of Life gems

For more information on the amazing rocks, crystals, etc. visit Tree of Life Gems . Alesia is the first person I contact when I want more crystals.

I love these copper energy tools made by Brian Besco of TwistedSage. They are based on sacred geometric lengths and twisted crystalline copper. I wear the Infinity Coil as a necklace, and the Balance and Harmony pendant a lot. I take the BH pendant off and lay it over a spot on the body if it hurts, and about 5 min. later I feel better. My animals love laying next to the rings.
— Carmen says



For more information about these amazing copper products, visit Brian at www.twistedsage.com .

Personally, these products get used for charging water. Charged water tastes better and sweeter to me than uncharged water. I put the 1.5 inch disk in my car’s cupholder and place my water on top of it until I drink it. The bigger purple plate is kept under our big water containers in the house. I wear the bracelet, since our body is about 70% water, and I take it off and use it to charge my water glass in a restaurant. The blue charger gets attached to the main water line and charges water going to plants and to the home.
— Carmen says



For more information on purple plates, visit their website at www.purpleplates.com .

I believe that the more connected we are to earth, the healthier we can be. When we make contact with the surface of the earth we get a charge of energy that makes us feel better quickly. I can’t walk on grass, barefoot, for hours on end, but I have found an amazing product that gives me the grounding energy all night long.
— Carmen says


I have the Earthing ground mats, their pillowcases, the pad for the bed, and have used their grounding fitted sheets when they were available.

For more information on Earthing products, visit their website at www.earthing.com .

The internet is an amazing, and scary place, to look for information. I found this webpage that has links to all kinds of things for your health if you’re curious like me. I can’t promise what you’ll find...
— Carmen says

Quantum Balancing

Health Resources

For more health resources and lots of other information visit www.quantumbalancing.com .

(I can’t promise what you’ll find on the Quantum Balancing link… and even how/or if everything mentioned in the different links actually works as advertised, but it sure is a cool ‘rabbit hole’ to go into. I looked through many of the links and was amazed at some of the things that are already out there to help.)



As an energy intuitive/sensitive/psychic/healer, Carmen can make the same guarantees that your doctor can make – that there are No Guarantees.


*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.  THESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE or health condition. Zappers of any kind are NOT APPROVED for use by any US Federal authority. Their use is to be considered experimental, and you are a de facto researcher.

*** by purchasing anything from carmen, you agree to do your own research before using anything and hold carmen harmless against anything bad that might happen to anyone, anywhere, ever.

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