*Carmen is not a medical doctor. These products should not be used as a substitute for sound professional advice.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Zappers of any kind are NOT APPROVED for use by any US Federal authority. Their use is to be considered experimental, and you are a de facto researcher.

*** By purchasing anything from Carmen, you agree to do your own research before using anything and hold Carmen harmless against anything bad that might happen to anyone, anywhere, ever.

  Chlorine Dioxide Solution

For Information Purposes Only

CDS = Chlorine Dioxide Solution = Chlorine Dioxide = ClO2

CDS and MMS (Master Mineral Solution) are very similar.  CDS is an advanced form of MMS.  MMS is the name that Jim Humble gave to the mixture of Sodium Chlorite with 50% Citric Acid. CDS is made with Sodium Chlorite 25% and Hydrochloric Acid 4% because it causes less of the side effects of nausea or diarrhea like the Citric Acid did.

CDS is the best known water purifier because it eliminates viruses, bacteria, fungi, and small parasites in a wide pH range. It is used in the food industry to purify foods under the reference E-926. It is used to disinfect surgical instruments and to disinfect and store blood in blood banks, as required by law. It has been used for 80 years to disinfect drinking water, without causing any problems. It is widely used in industry for disinfection. 

It is not bleach… bleach is sodium hypochlorite. (Bleach is NaClO.)

CDS is a concentrated aqueous solution of 0,3% (3000ppm) of chlorine dioxide gas, with no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) content in the solution and has a neutral pH. Chlorine dioxide is just the gas from the reaction of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with an acid, which is very soluble in water and evaporates at 11 ° C. CDS is a synthetic gas that does not occur naturally.  If you add Sodium Chlorite with an acid you get Chlorine Dioxide.    NaClO2 + acid (HCl at 4%) = ClO2 . 

Lots more information on https://andreaskalcker.com/en/ .

Important: Keep the CDS solution in the refrigerator in a sealed container so the gas doesn’t evaporate or come out of the water and form a cloud above the water.

Above left picture of ingredients. Middle picture of the beginning of making CDS process. Right picture of what it looks like after 12 hours.

Preparing CDS

* The infusion of Sodium Chlorite with Hydrochloric Acid is done in 2 reaction cycles (12 hours + 12 hours = 24 hours) and in each of the reactions the proportions presented below are used.

You can purchase Sodium Chlorite flakes 80% and Hydrochloric Acid (aka Muriatic Acid 31.45%) and use special conversion calculators to dilute them to the necessary dilution %. You can find the calculators in the basic CDS course Dr. Andreas Kalcker helped create. Click here for the BASIC Course information.

**** In 350 ml of water, 2 reactions are carried out, each with 5 ml of Sodium Chlorite (25%) and 5 ml of Hydrochloric Acid (4%).

  1. In a glass container that can be sealed and tall enough that you can fit in a shot glass with the CD, you put 350ml of distilled water (or mineral water).

  2. You will need a shot glass or another glass container that can be placed in the container without toppling over (and the container can still be sealed). In that shot glass you put in 5ml of the Sodium Chlorite and then add 5ml of the HCL.

  3. You carefully place this shot glass with the CD in the container with water. You ARE NOT pouring this mixture/solution in the water.

  4. Close and seal the container and keep it in a dark cupboard for 12 hours.

  5. After 12 hours unseal the container and change out the shot glass for another shot glass with 5ml Sodium Chlorite and 5ml HCL. You can throw that CD away from the first shot glass. Seal the container again and keep it in a dark cupboard for another 12 hours.

  6. After these 12 hours (total 24 hours) put the sealed container in the refrigerator for about 3 hours, so the gas can stabilize in the water and remain inside the container when we open it.

  7. After the 3 hours in the refrigerator, open the sealed container, take out the shot glass with the CD and pour the Chlorine Dioxide Solution into a bottle/jar that can be tightly sealed. Mine looks almost fluorescent yellow and smells like chlorine.

  8. Test the pH with a pH tester (it should be close to neutral 7 and should not drop below 6).

  9. Use the LaMotte 3002 Chlorine Dioxide Test Strips to test the ppm. Ppm refers to the parts per million of the chlorine dioxide gas in water. They're two different things, ppm and pH. The testing strips only read up to 500 ppm, so you just need to use 1ml of the final CDS solution and dilute it in 9ml of water, and then check the concentration. If you get a color in between a bit darker than 250, that CDS is in the right concentration. 3000ppm

  10. Learn more about the research and how to use CDS by visiting https://andreaskalcker.com/en/

To purchase Dr. Andreas Kalcker’s books or take the course to learn how to make your own CDS, please click on the link below. Also he has all kinds of Protocols that you can use free on his website covering all kinds of issues.


YouTube video where Dr. Kalcker explains CDS in-depth to Nexus French Magazine December 27, 2024 (interview is in English)

As an energy intuitive/sensitive/psychic/healer, Carmen can make the same guarantees that your doctor can make – that there are No Guarantees.


*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.  THESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE or health condition. Zappers of any kind are NOT APPROVED for use by any US Federal authority. Their use is to be considered experimental, and you are a de facto researcher.

*** by purchasing anything from carmen, you agree to do your own research before using anything and hold carmen harmless against anything bad that might happen to anyone, anywhere, ever.