In order for Carmen to serve all her Clients and Customers worldwide, she has implemented a no-reschedule and no-refund policy. (You will receive the Distance Energy Healing at the scheduled appointment time after you set up your appointment with Carmen.)
Thank you for your cooperation!
Having problems completing your purchase? Please Contact Carmen.
***Gift Certificates available on home page…
Click here and scroll down .***
Want Carmen to ‘work on’ something specific in a session?
An Intuitive Reading is what you want.
“I work in the Quantum field where there is no time or space. Everything just IS. Amazing things happen in the Quantum field.”
Distance healing is as effective as healing in person. Quantum mechanics explains that forces actually become stronger with distance.
Through many years of practice, Carmen has found that the frequencies being sent do not weaken with distance. This is because healing and transformation occur by way of an information exchange - “light and information”.
Carmen has Energy Healing clients all over the world!
“Two Kinds of ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS are Found on this Page.
Which type will serve your needs and wishes? Find out below...”
Energy Healing Sessions require you to SUBMIT A RELEASE FORM HERE.
After you PAY for your session, click the button below and FILL OUT the Appointment Request Form, so Carmen can call you to set up your appointment.
If you do not fill out the Appointment Request Form Carmen will contact you via your PayPal email address. Please check your Spam/Junk Folder if you don’t see an email from Carmen 72 hours after ordering.
FYI - Carmen does not have an automated appointment calendar system since she has all kinds of Healing sessions and Intuitive Readings going on.
Read more about each type of Energy Healing Session Below!
‘Conversation’ with God/Love/Universe
Ask the Universe for the healing you believe you need. You may get healings on so many more levels than you thought to ask for.
One session, or even part of one session, may be plenty.
Normally it is recommended that you consider up to three sessions close together (a week or less apart). Although each session is special, often something particularly significant is reported about the third session.
A typical Distance/In-Person session lasts between 50 minutes to one hour, with a part of this time allotted to discuss your experience AFTER the session and to ask any questions that you may have. This is NOT a type of therapy that requires ongoing weekly sessions for long periods of time in order to be effective. Often in just 1-3 sessions some form of healing, whether it be physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional, will occur. If you choose to do more than one session, the next session should be done within one week of the previous one.
During the Session: You will be asked to lie down in a quiet space, close your eyes, simply relax and pay attention to your inner experience, and notice what’s happening while I work with the frequencies from my office. There will be NO candles, NO music, NO special breathing techniques, etc. to detract from your current experience. THIS IS A NO-TOUCH DISTANCE/REMOTE ENERGY HEALING SESSION.
The frequencies being sent to you have their own intelligence which direct the order in which your problems are resolved. My job is to open a conduit, to be the catalyst, to initiate this process. I am a ‘Door Opener’. God/Love/Universe knows what you need so you may be your most balanced you. It will direct the optimal healing for you, whether it be physical, mental, spiritual, or some/all of the above. I don’t send you frequencies myself (I don’t have a frequency list to go through), the Universe sends them to you through me – we’re both receivers.
Once you’ve had 3 ‘Conversations’ close together (time wise between 2-7 days apart from each other), you’ll need to allow the Universe/God/Love to work and help you heal for a while before considering more Energy Healing Sessions.
$80.00 USD = Distance/remote HEALING SESSION,
Once you PAY for your session, click the button below and FILL OUT the Appointment Request Form, so Carmen can call you to set up your appointment.
If you do not fill out the Appointment Request Form Carmen will contact you via your PayPal email address. Please check your Spam/Junk Folder if you don’t see an email from Carmen 72 hours after ordering.
“Once people get over their initial doubt about whether they can actually receive healing frequencies without me being physically present, they are amazed to realize how much fun and effective their session actually is.”
A typical Distance ‘Energetic Tune-Up’ - Scanning and Clearing Energy Healing Session lasts between 30 minutes to one hour, depending on how many energy blockages are found that need clearing and how closed your ckakras are.
You will be asked to lie down in a quiet space, close your eyes, simply relax and notice. THIS IS A NO-TOUCH DISTANCE/REMOTE ENERGY HEALING SESSION.
While you are lying down in a quiet space with your eyes closed, in my office I tune into your energy and scan your entire body (front, back, and sideways) and make notations where I find energetic blockages. I then scan your chakras and make notations where the blockages and/or misaligned chakras are. Thirdly, I scan your energetic meridians (14 main ones from Chinese medicine) and note where the blockages are.
Then I clear all the energetic and meridian blockages found, and make sure that your chakras are cleared and aligned, so that your body’s energy runs smoother, without ‘hiccups’. (The amount of clearing and aligning I do depends on what your body allows me to do. Some bodies are more resistant to change than others, even if it’s beneficial change.)
If the energy blocks remain in place, we tend to develop physical ‘dis’ease. Think of your different meridians and energy fields like roads. If there’s an accident in the road, it’s harder to get where you’re going until the accident gets cleared away. Everything is Energy! Clear the energy blockages and you feel better.
After your session, I email you a pdf with my notations of where I found blockages in your body, as well as which meridians and chakras needed clearing and balancing (See picture below). Not only will you know what I worked on, but these notations will give you an idea where your body’s stress blocks the flow of energy. This will also allow you to use your own methods of clearing energy more easily since you’ll know some places where blockages were found, so you can check them out first.
Though this is not a type of healing that requires on-going weekly sessions, you can always schedule a ‘Scanning and Clearing’ Session whenever things in your life have made you feel off-balance and you just don’t feel energetically centered.
$80.00 USD = Distance/remote ‘energetic tune-up’ energy scanning and clearing SESSION,
Once you PAY for your session, click the button below and FILL OUT the Appointment Request Form, so Carmen can call you to set up your appointment.
If you do not fill out the Appointment Request Form Carmen will contact you via your PayPal email address. Please check your Spam/Junk Folder if you don’t see an email from Carmen 72 hours after ordering.
Above is a copy of the what I work with during the Scanning and Clearing/Energetic Tune-Up session. You’ll be emailed a completed form once your session is finished.
Everyone’s experience is unique.
Healings come in all forms and elicit a wide variety of responses during the session. Clients can experience a wide variety of sensations during an energy healing session, or they may experience no sensations at all. Even with the same client, the healing experience varies from session to session.
Some clients have experienced the following during or after a session:
energy moving throughout their body
tingling sensations, heat or cold
inner visions
feeling as if someone is lightly touching them though no one is actually touching them
feeling a sense of love being sent their way
inner visions
deep relaxation during and after the session
smelling sense increases
seeing vibrant colors while their eyes are closed during the session
a deeper sleeping pattern afterwards
overall sense of well being
feeling more relaxed and calm
removal of emotional blocks
faster recovery from injury
an increase of energy
reduction in life’s stresses
release of strong emotions
aches and pains disappearing
blood pressure levels going back to normal
more in harmony/in sync, more in balance, more clear.
‘know’ their way better
‘feel more themselves’
more intuitive
more serendipity
Besides refining the bond between mother and child, during pregnancy the mom might also experience:
decreased lower back pain
increased inner strength
less anxiety
less pain and discomfort
more energy
increased self-confidence
Even after delivery a session can help with:
less 'post partum depression'
restoring your emotional balance
a reduction in fatigue
better recovery from physical trauma
a rebalancing of hormones
….. and many more experiences ….
Oct 2020 In my garden with some of my favorite flowers.
As an energy intuitive/sensitive/psychic/healer, Carmen can make the same guarantees that your doctor can make – that there are No Guarantees.
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*** by purchasing anything from carmen, you agree to do your own research before using anything and hold carmen harmless against anything bad that might happen to anyone, anywhere, ever
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